Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cold War

            The above link links to a Wikipedia page on Dr. Seuss's "The Butter Battle Book." Although Dr. Seuss came off as a writer of harmless rhyming children's books, his books often had much deeper meanings that were meant to portray his political views. "The Butter Battle Book" attempted to show his fear and dislike of the Cold War, and showcase his idea that the United States was handling the situation incorrectly. Thus, the Cold War was a time of fear and anxiety in the U.S..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MY INSIGHT: In the case of Darrow versus Bryan, which we just recently read about and watched a video about, Darrow defends a client who has been fined and supposedly guilty of teaching evolution in school when it was clearly banned. With so much dispute over evolution and religion and how humans were created, I decided to do some research and see weather this dispute still exists. The link above goes to a website with a video, which clearly proves that even after all these years the argument still reigns present in today's society. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WW1 Propaganda

             This propaganda poster was made by the Food Administration program during WW1 to urge Americans to save food for the people fighting overseas. The Food Administration also put emphasis upon "meatless Mondays," where Americans were to avoid the consumption and selling of meat. In addition "wheat less Wednesdays," were also put into action. Other than the Food Administration, other administrations were formed to support the war and send war supplies, food and clothing to the oversea fighters. For instance, the Fuel Administration and the Liberty Loans.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Spanish American War and the invasion of Iraq

The main reasons for the US invasion of Iraq were to gain control of Iraq's oilfields (so as to keep the oil in the ground and drive up oil prices), to establish military bases in Iraq from which to dominate the Middle East and eventually (by controlling oil supply) to establish control over all countries dependent on oil, and to remove the threat to Israel posed by Iraq. The Spanish-American war began due to "yellow journalism," or journalism that is not necessarily true and is made-up to sell newspapers. The Iraq invasion also ensued due to yellow journalism regarding the oil fields. See a connection